People reach a certain point in their life wherein the only thing you can do is embrace whatever is happening around you. I am at that certain point. This incidence in my life is not something to rejoice about. It's confusing and overwhelming at the same time.
I am on the point of make or break. The decision to make a life. To find a life. This experience is the exact opposite of the life I had when I was still in school. When you reach the age of 21, people go for the job hunt. But I say, it is more that that. IT IS A LIFE HUNT. You search for your path. You try to find the best road to take for a better life. Find a career that you love. I have once heard from a man who works as a Dolphin Trainer at Ocean Park, "IS THIS EVEN WORK? (Referring to his job as training dolphins) I'M SO HAVING FUN!". Then I realized that finding a job that you LOVE is similar to finding a LIFE that you LOVE.
But this "DO- WHAT-YOU-LOVE" trend is slowly disappearing like ashes. People do what is practical nowadays. Find whatever job there is and just go for it. Practicality has become a means for survival. That's why more and more people become depressed nowadays because they can no longer do what they love. Who should we blame? THE GOVERNMENT? THE PEOPLE? YOURSELF? Hmmm. Don't get me started..If we had a choice, WE WOULD ALL CHOOSE THIS to achieve eternal happiness. But then...
What is happening with us right now is "LOVE-WHAT-YOU-DO". It is as forceful as it sounds. But in this way, it could be an 80% win-win situation. Definitely a tough act to do but in this life, we are presented with lesser and lesser options. Still, you can blame so many factors around you. To face this experience, one should be strong enough to get through this. If not, then life will hit you hard on the crotch.
Life was never created to be easy. It becomes more and more complicated as you mature, live with people and even raise a life of your own.
most of us will choose what we need to do and not what we want. :|
ReplyDeletethat is the bitter truth. :|